feature request push/pull current line
Claudio Fischer
2016-06-20 12:00:07 UTC

I wanted to bring my feature request long time ago up again :-)
Now with some additional info and sample of two files to compare attached.

As I wrote, we use wincompare/compareit from Grigsoft:
This prog exactly does what we want, see my older description and attached samples.
The prog is shareware, you can try the features, it only runs on windows.
But we also need a powerful compare prog on Linux and like meld very much.
Meanwhile compareit also is developed very slowly :-(
CompareIt uses the keys Ctrl+Alt Left/Right to copy only the current line and like meld
Alt Left/Right to copy the whole block, this logically fits good.
See attached sample-files to compare ...


On 22 October 2014 18:06, Claudio Fischer <claudio fischer freenet de> wrote:Hi,here is my feature request push/pull current line.On Windows I use a compare program, that is able to copy only the currentline to left/right.Sometimes in a comparison I dont want to push/pull a whole block of ofdifferent lines, butonly one line of the different block.The windows compare program uses the keys Ctrl+Alt Left/Right to copy onlythe current line.Would be nice to have this feature also in meld.This feature request has come up several times (see for examplehttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727600) and shortcuts/UIaside, it sounds like a nice idea.However, each time it comes up the question is always: how do youfigure out where to insert the line in the other file? For insertchunks this is fine, but what about modified or conflicted chunks?cheers,Kai

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Kai Willadsen
2016-06-25 23:25:40 UTC
Post by Claudio Fischer
I wanted to bring my feature request long time ago up again :-)
Now with some additional info and sample of two files to compare attached.
This prog exactly does what we want, see my older description and attached samples.
The prog is shareware, you can try the features, it only runs on windows.
But we also need a powerful compare prog on Linux and like meld very much.
Meanwhile compareit also is developed very slowly :-(
CompareIt uses the keys Ctrl+Alt Left/Right to copy only the current line and like meld
Alt Left/Right to copy the whole block, this logically fits good.
See attached sample-files to compare ...
Can you please describe the feature (or post a screencast or
something) so that people without Windows (or who aren't going to
install unsigned shareware binaries...) can understand how it works.

Specifically, how do you figure out where to insert the line in the other file?

